
M. Sc. Hassan Khodsiani
Institut für Strömungstechnik und Thermodynamik (ISUT)
Since 2019: Doctoral Research Assistant, Lehrstuhl für Technische Thermodynamik
Institut für Strömungstechnik und Thermodynamik, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Germany
Research field: Experimental investigation of the interactions between the flame and the particles in packed beds
2016-2018: Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran
Thesis: Design, Manufacturing and Test of a Transparent PEM Fuel Cell Aimed at Water Management
2012-2016: Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran
Thesis: Development of an empirical model to estimate friction mean effective pressure of a 4-stroke gasoline engines
Research interests:
- Experimental thermofluidics
- Optical diagnostics
- Image processing
Publications: Google Scholar
Journal Papers:
Simulation of reacting flows in packed beds using flamelet generated manifolds
E. Illana, H. Merten, T. Bergold, M. Khodsiani, S. Hosseini, D. Mira, F. Beyrau, D. Thévenin, V. Scherer
Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 2023
Spatially resolved investigation of flame particle interaction in a two dimensional model packed bed
M. Khodsiani, R. Namdar, F. Varnik, F. Beyrau, B. Fond
Particuology, 2023
Numerical study of convective heat transfer in static arrangements of particles with arbitrary shapes: A monolithic hybrid lattice Boltzmann-finite difference-phase field solver
R. Namdar, M. Khodsiani, H. Safari, T. Neeraj, S. A. Hosseini, F. Beyrau, B. Fond, D. Thévenin, F. Varnik
Particuology, 2023
Phosphor thermometry at the surface of single reacting large-diameter spherical coke particles to characterise combustion for packed bed furnaces
T Cai, M Khodsiani, B Hallak, C Abram, F Beyrau, E Specht
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2020
A novel experimental based statistical study for water management in proton exchange membrane fuel cells
M Hasheminasab, MJ Kermani, SS Nourazar, M Khodsiani
Applied Energy 264, 114713, 2020
Estimation of Water Coverage Ratio in Low Temperature PEM-Fuel Cell Using Deep Neural Network
H Mehnatkesh, A Alasty, M Boroushaki, MH Khodsiani, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020
DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2993181
Simulation, manufacturing and test of a transparent proton-exchange membrane fuel cell
M Hasheminasab, MJ Kermani, SS Nourazar, M Khodsiani
Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering 53 (3 (Special Issue)), 20-20, 2021
Experimental Investigation of the Influence of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells Operating Conditions on Its Performance and Water Management
M Hasheminasab, MJ Kermani, SS Nourazar, M Khodsiani
Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering 52 (11), 3257-3274, 2019
Conference Papers:
Flame-particle interaction inside a packed bed of cooled particles
M. Khodsiani, F. Beyrau, B. Fond
Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting 2023, April 26-28, Rouen, France
Investigation of a flame in a packed bed using a cylindrical geometry and single-side optical diagnostics
Phosphor thermometry to measure the surface temperature of cooled particles inside a packed bed
Experimental investigation of the interaction between the flame and the particles in packed beds
1st International Workshop on Reacting Particle-Gas Systems, Bochum, Germany, June 8th-9th, 2022
Experimental investigation of the propagation of a premixed flame in an array of cooled cylindrical particles
M. Khodsiani1, F. Beyrau, F. Varnik, B. Fond
30. Deutscher Flammentag, Hannover-Garbsen, 28-29 September 2021
Temperature measurements at the surface of reacting large-diameter coke particles
M Khodsiani, T Cai, B Hallak, C Abram, F Beyrau, E Specht
The 2nd International Conference on Phosphor Thermometry, July 27th -29th, 2020
Simulation of reacting flows in packed beds using flamelet generated manifolds
- Fluid mechanics and heat trasnfer
- Optical diagnostics