M.Sc. Moritz Stelter
Since 2019: Doctoral Research Assistant, Lehrstuhl für Technische Thermodynamik
Institut für Strömungstechnik und Thermodynamik, Otto von Guericke University (OVGU), Magdeburg, Germany
2017-2019: Master of Science, Safety and Hazard Defence with focus on Industrial Safety
Fakultät für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik (FVST), Otto von Guericke University (OVGU), Magdeburg, Germany
Thesis: Quantitative photoluminescence measurements of dispersed phosphor particles to improve optical thermometry in fluids
2013-2017: Bachelor of Science, Safety and Hazard Defence
Fakultät für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik (FVST), Otto von Guericke University (OVGU), Magdeburg, Germany
Thesis: Development of a spray coating process to improve the quality and reproducibility of thin coatings for remote surface thermometry, based on thermographic phosphors
- Laser-optical techniques for temperature and velocity measurements
- Gas and multiphase flows
- Phosphor thermometry